DataTransferKit - Multiphysics Solution Transfer Services  2.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Carray_or_vector_selector<-1, T >
 CBasicEntitySetBasic implementation of the entity set interface
 CBasicEntitySetIteratorEmentation of iterator over entities in a basic set
 CBasicGeometryEntityBasicGeometryEntity interface
 CBasicGeometryEntityImplBasicGeometryEntityImpl interface
 CBasicGeometryExtraDataA base class for setting extra data with entities
 CBasicGeometryLocalMapEntity forward and reverse local map interface definition
 CBasicGeometryManagerHigh-level manager for basic geometries
 CBoxGeometryAxis-aligned Cartesian box container
 CBoxGeometryImplAxis-aligned Cartesian box container implementation
 CBuhmannBasisBuhmann compactly supported radial basis function
 CCenterDistributorGlobal source distributor
 CClientManagerClientManager interface
 CCloudDomainAxis-aligned Cartesian cloud domain container
 CCoarseGlobalSearchA CoarseGlobalSearch data structure for global entity coarse search
 CCoarseLocalSearchA CoarseLocalSearch data structure for local entity coarse search
 CConsistentInterpolationOperatorMap operator interface
 CCylinderGeometryZ-axis-aligned Cartesian cylinder container
 CCylinderGeometryImplZ-axis-aligned Cartesian cylinder container implementation
 CDataTransferKitExceptionBase class for DTK assertions. This structure is heavily based on that in Nemesis developed by Tom Evans. We derive from std::logic_error here as the DBC checks that utilize this class are meant to find errors that can be prevented before runtime
 CEntityGeometric entity interface definition
 CEntityCenteredFieldEntity-centered field
 CEntityCenteredShapeFunctionEntity-centered shape function
 CEntityExtraDataA base class for setting extra data with entities
 CEntityImplGeometric entity implementation definition
 CEntityIntegrationRuleIntegration rule interface
 CEntityIteratorEntity iterator interface
 CEntityLocalMapEntity forward and reverse local map interface definition
 CEntitySetGeometric entity set interface definition
 CEntityShapeFunctionShape function interface
 CEuclideanDistanceEucliden distance function
 CFieldField interface
 CFineLocalSearchA FineLocalSearch data structure for local entity fine search
 CIntrepidBasisFactoryFactory for Intrepid basis functions
 CIntrepidCellManager for Intrepid cell-level operations
 CIntrepidIntegrationRuleIntegration rule interface
 CIntrepidShapeFunctionIntrepid shape function
 CIntrepidSideCellManager for Intrepid cell-level operations on cell sides
 CL2ProjectionOperatorL2 projection operator
 CLocalMLSProblemLocal moving least square problem about a single target center using quadratic polynomials
 CMapOperatorFactoryFactory for DTK map operators
 CMovingLeastSquareReconstructionOperatorParallel moving least square interpolator MapOperator implementation
 CNanoflannTreeSpatial searching for point clouds
 CNewtonSolverA stateless class for Newton's method
 CNodeToNodeOperatorParallel moving least square interpolator MapOperator implementation
 CNonlinearProblemTraitsTraits class for nonlinear problems
 CParallelSearchParallel search
 CPointPoint container declaration
 CPointCloudOperatorFactoryFactory for DTK point cloud map operators
 CPointInFaceVolumeOfInfluenceNonlinearProblemNonlinear problem struct for pointInFaceVolumeOfInfluence. This problem projects a point onto the surface defined by a vertex in the face we are checking and the normal vector of that vertex
 CPolynomialMatrixVector apply implementation for polynomial matrices
 CPredicateCompositionTools for predicate composition
 CProjectionPrimitivesA stateless class of projection primitive operations
 CProjectPointFeatureToEdgeFeatureNonlinearProblemNonlinear problem struct for ProjectBlueFeatureToGreenFeature. This problem projects a feature point onto the a feature edge
 CProjectPointToFaceNonlinearProblemNonlinear problem for projecting a point into the reference frame of a face
 CSearchTreeFactoryFactory for building search trees
 CSplineCoefficientMatrixSparse spline coefficient matrix
 CSplineEvaluationMatrixSparse spline transformation operator (the A matrix). A = N + Q
 CSplineInterpolationOperatorParallel spline interpolator
 CSplineInterpolationPairingLocal child/parent center pairings
 CSplineProlongationOperatorProlongation operator for projecting a vector into the extended spline space
 CSTKMeshEntitySTKMesh entity interface definition
 CSTKMeshEntityExtraDataA base class for setting extra data with entities
 CSTKMeshEntityImplGeometric entity implementation definition
 CSTKMeshEntityIntegrationRuleIntegration rule interface
 CSTKMeshEntityIteratorSTK mesh entity iterator implementation
 CSTKMeshEntityIteratorRangeA container for entity vectors that can be reference-counted
 CSTKMeshEntityLocalMapSTK mesh forward and reverse local map implementation
 CSTKMeshEntitySetSTK mesh entity set
 CSTKMeshFieldField data access for STK mesh
 CSTKMeshHelpersA stateless class of helpers for STK mesh
 CSTKMeshManagerHigh-level manager for STK mesh
 CSTKMeshNodalShapeFunctionNodal shape function implementation for STK mesh
 CSTKPartNamePredicatePredicates for selecting entities in parts by part name
 CSTKPartVectorPredicatePredicates for selecting entities in a part vector
 CSTKSelectorPredicatePredicates for selecting entities in a selector
 CUndefinedNonlinearProblemTraitsDummy struct. If a type does not create a specialization this will not compile
 CUndefinedRadialBasisPolicyDummy struct. If a type does not create a specialization this will not compile
 CWendlandBasisWendland compactly supported radial basis function
 CWuBasisWu compactly supported radial basis function
 CIntrepidcellLocalMapA stateless class of IntrepidCell helpers for implementing EntityLocalMap for element-level entities