DataTransferKit - Multiphysics Solution Transfer Services
▼NDataTransferKit | DTK_BasicEntitySet.cpp |
▼Nnanoflann | |
Carray_or_vector_selector | |
Carray_or_vector_selector<-1, T > | |
CCArray | |
CIndexDist_Sorter | |
CKDTreeEigenMatrixAdaptor | |
▼CKDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor | |
CBranchStruct | |
CKDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams | |
CL1_Adaptor | |
CL2_Adaptor | |
CL2_Simple_Adaptor | |
Cmetric_L1 | |
Cmetric_L2 | |
Cmetric_L2_Simple | |
CRadiusResultSet | |
CSearchParams | |
CBasicEntitySet | Basic implementation of the entity set interface |
CBasicEntitySetIterator | Ementation of iterator over entities in a basic set |
CBasicGeometryEntity | BasicGeometryEntity interface |
CBasicGeometryEntityImpl | BasicGeometryEntityImpl interface |
CBasicGeometryExtraData | A base class for setting extra data with entities |
CBasicGeometryLocalMap | Entity forward and reverse local map interface definition |
CBasicGeometryManager | High-level manager for basic geometries |
CBoxGeometry | Axis-aligned Cartesian box container |
CBoxGeometryImpl | Axis-aligned Cartesian box container implementation |
CBuhmannBasis | Buhmann compactly supported radial basis function |
CCenterDistributor | Global source distributor |
CClientManager | ClientManager interface |
CCloudDomain | Axis-aligned Cartesian cloud domain container |
CCoarseGlobalSearch | A CoarseGlobalSearch data structure for global entity coarse search |
CCoarseLocalSearch | A CoarseLocalSearch data structure for local entity coarse search |
CConsistentInterpolationOperator | Map operator interface |
CCylinderGeometry | Z-axis-aligned Cartesian cylinder container |
CCylinderGeometryImpl | Z-axis-aligned Cartesian cylinder container implementation |
CDataTransferKitException | Base class for DTK assertions. This structure is heavily based on that in Nemesis developed by Tom Evans. We derive from std::logic_error here as the DBC checks that utilize this class are meant to find errors that can be prevented before runtime |
CEntity | Geometric entity interface definition |
CEntityCenteredField | Entity-centered field |
CEntityCenteredShapeFunction | Entity-centered shape function |
CEntityExtraData | A base class for setting extra data with entities |
CEntityImpl | Geometric entity implementation definition |
CEntityIntegrationRule | Integration rule interface |
CEntityIterator | Entity iterator interface |
CEntityLocalMap | Entity forward and reverse local map interface definition |
CEntitySet | Geometric entity set interface definition |
CEntityShapeFunction | Shape function interface |
CEuclideanDistance | Eucliden distance function |
CField | Field interface |
CFineLocalSearch | A FineLocalSearch data structure for local entity fine search |
CIntrepidBasisFactory | Factory for Intrepid basis functions |
CIntrepidCell | Manager for Intrepid cell-level operations |
CIntrepidIntegrationRule | Integration rule interface |
CIntrepidShapeFunction | Intrepid shape function |
CIntrepidSideCell | Manager for Intrepid cell-level operations on cell sides |
CL2ProjectionOperator | L2 projection operator |
CLocalMLSProblem | Local moving least square problem about a single target center using quadratic polynomials |
CMapOperatorFactory | Factory for DTK map operators |
CMovingLeastSquareReconstructionOperator | Parallel moving least square interpolator MapOperator implementation |
CNanoflannTree | Spatial searching for point clouds |
CNewtonSolver | A stateless class for Newton's method |
CNodeToNodeOperator | Parallel moving least square interpolator MapOperator implementation |
CNonlinearProblemTraits | Traits class for nonlinear problems |
CParallelSearch | Parallel search |
CPoint | Point container declaration |
CPointCloudOperatorFactory | Factory for DTK point cloud map operators |
CPointInFaceVolumeOfInfluenceNonlinearProblem | Nonlinear problem struct for pointInFaceVolumeOfInfluence. This problem projects a point onto the surface defined by a vertex in the face we are checking and the normal vector of that vertex |
CPolynomialMatrix | Vector apply implementation for polynomial matrices |
CPredicateComposition | Tools for predicate composition |
CProjectionPrimitives | A stateless class of projection primitive operations |
CProjectPointFeatureToEdgeFeatureNonlinearProblem | Nonlinear problem struct for ProjectBlueFeatureToGreenFeature. This problem projects a feature point onto the a feature edge |
CProjectPointToFaceNonlinearProblem | Nonlinear problem for projecting a point into the reference frame of a face |
CRadialBasisPolicy | |
CSearchTreeFactory | Factory for building search trees |
CSplineCoefficientMatrix | Sparse spline coefficient matrix |
CSplineEvaluationMatrix | Sparse spline transformation operator (the A matrix). A = N + Q |
CSplineInterpolationOperator | Parallel spline interpolator |
CSplineInterpolationPairing | Local child/parent center pairings |
CSplineProlongationOperator | Prolongation operator for projecting a vector into the extended spline space |
CSTKMeshEntity | STKMesh entity interface definition |
CSTKMeshEntityExtraData | A base class for setting extra data with entities |
CSTKMeshEntityImpl | Geometric entity implementation definition |
CSTKMeshEntityIntegrationRule | Integration rule interface |
CSTKMeshEntityIterator | STK mesh entity iterator implementation |
CSTKMeshEntityIteratorRange | A container for entity vectors that can be reference-counted |
CSTKMeshEntityLocalMap | STK mesh forward and reverse local map implementation |
CSTKMeshEntitySet | STK mesh entity set |
CSTKMeshField | Field data access for STK mesh |
CSTKMeshHelpers | A stateless class of helpers for STK mesh |
CSTKMeshManager | High-level manager for STK mesh |
CSTKMeshNodalShapeFunction | Nodal shape function implementation for STK mesh |
CSTKPartNamePredicate | Predicates for selecting entities in parts by part name |
CSTKPartPredicate | |
CSTKPartVectorPredicate | Predicates for selecting entities in a part vector |
CSTKSelectorPredicate | Predicates for selecting entities in a selector |
CUndefinedNonlinearProblemTraits | Dummy struct. If a type does not create a specialization this will not compile |
CUndefinedRadialBasisPolicy | Dummy struct. If a type does not create a specialization this will not compile |
CWendlandBasis | Wendland compactly supported radial basis function |
CWuBasis | Wu compactly supported radial basis function |
CIntrepidcellLocalMap | A stateless class of IntrepidCell helpers for implementing EntityLocalMap for element-level entities |